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Supreme Court Rules on Medical Marijuana and Probation


The case of No. 18SC84, Walton v. People, has attracted significant attention in legal circles due to its implications for statutory interpretation, the use of plain language, and the intersection of probation and medical marijuana. In this blog post, we will delve into the details of the case, analyze the arguments presented by both sides and examine the potential impact of the court's decision.


The controversy arose when John Walton, a Colorado resident with a valid medical marijuana card, found himself at odds with the terms of his probation. Walton had been convicted of a non-violent drug offense and was subsequently placed on probation. However, as a condition of his probation, he was ordered to abstain from using controlled substances, including marijuana.

Statutory Interpretation and Plain Language

The crux of the case revolved around the interpretation of the relevant statutes. Walton's defense argued that the language used in the probation condition was ambiguous and should be interpreted in a manner that allows him to continue using medical marijuana as prescribed by his doctor. The defense further contended that the legislature's intent was to allow the use of medical marijuana, given the state's broader acceptance of its therapeutic benefits.

On the other hand, the prosecution maintained that the language of the probation condition was clear and unambiguous. They argued that marijuana, regardless of its medical use, remains classified as a controlled substance under federal law and should therefore be prohibited during probation. The prosecution emphasized that the court should uphold the plain meaning of the statutes and enforce the probation condition accordingly.

Court's Analysis and Decision

In its analysis, the court first acknowledged the importance of statutory interpretation and the use of plain language to ascertain legislative intent. The court examined the relevant statutes governing probation and medical marijuana, considering both the text and the broader context.

The court recognized that the plain language of the probation condition explicitly prohibited the use of controlled substances, including marijuana. However, they also acknowledged that the legislature had previously enacted laws legalizing medical marijuana and protecting qualified patients from prosecution.

To resolve the conflict, the court employed principles of statutory interpretation, such as the rule of lenity, which dictates that ambiguities in criminal statutes should be resolved in favor of the defendant. Considering the legislative history and the state's policy regarding medical marijuana, the court concluded that the probation condition should not be interpreted to prohibit the lawful use of medical marijuana by a qualified patient.


No. 18SC84, Walton v. People, highlights the significance of statutory interpretation and the role of plain language in legal proceedings. By reconciling the conflict between probation conditions and medical marijuana laws, the court's decision provides relief to qualified patients who rely on medical marijuana as part of their treatment plans.


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TXMMD is not licensed by the Texas Department of Public Safety as a Dispensing Organization (as defined under Sec. 487.001 of the Texas Health & Safety Code) to perform the regulated functions of cultivating, processing, or dispensing low-THC cannabis under the Texas Compassionate Use Act. TXMMD provides appointments with physicians registered in the Texas Compassionate Use Registry so patients can be evaluated to determine if they qualify for low-THC cannabis (also referred to as “medical marijuana”) under the Texas Compassionate Use Program, and if so, the prescription will be entered by the physician in the Texas Compassionate Use Registry. Patients must contact a licensed dispensing organization to receive a prescription of low-THC cannabis as authorized under the Texas Compassionate Use Program. None of the products sold by TXMMD are “low-THC cannabis” products under the Texas Compassionate Use Program, but rather are consumable hemp products authorized under the Texas hemp laws. TXMMD is licensed by the Texas Department of State Health Services to manufacture consumable hemp products (License #705) and is registered to sell consumable hemp products (License #4267).

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