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What is the Texas Compassionate Use Program? (CURT)

Visualize a life where constant seizures or debilitating tremors make everyday tasks feel impossible. For many Texans, this is a reality. But there's hope in the form of the Texas Compassionate Use Program (TCUP). 

This program offers a different approach to managing specific medical conditions through the use of low-THC cannabis. If you or a loved one are struggling with a qualifying condition and haven't found relief through traditional methods, the TCUP offers a new path forward. 

In this blog, we’ll explore the program in detail, covering everything from who qualifies to how to access medical cannabis. Towards the end, you'll have the information you need to determine if it's the right choice for your health journey.

Getting to Know the Texas Compassionate Use Act

To fully understand the Texas Compassionate Use Program, it's helpful to know its origins. The program stems from the Texas Compassionate Use Act, initially passed in 2015. However, in its early stages, the act was quite limited. It only allowed the use of low-THC cannabis for one specific condition: intractable epilepsy. This meant that many Texans suffering from other debilitating conditions couldn't access this potential form of relief.

Expanding Access to Care

Fortunately, the Texas Legislature recognized the need for broader access. Over the years, they have amended the Texas Compassionate Use Act, expanding the list of qualifying conditions. Today, the act, now referred to as the Texas Compassionate Use Program (TCUP), includes multiple sclerosis, autism, cancer, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other qualifying conditions.

The Role of the Department of Public Safety 

The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) plays a vital role in the TCUP. The DPS actively regulates the program to ensure patient safety and responsible use of medical cannabis. Its responsibilities include overseeing operations, maintaining the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas  (CURT), and licensing dispensing organizations. This careful regulation provides a framework for safe and legal access to medical cannabis.

Understanding the Requirements of the Texas Compassionate Use Program

Now that you have a better understanding of how the program came to be, let’s look into the specifics of who can participate. The TCUP has specific requirements that patients must meet to qualify: 

Eligibility Criteria

  • Texas Residency: You must be a permanent resident of Texas.

  • Age: You must be at least 18 years old. If you are a minor, a legal guardian can provide consent on your behalf.

  • Qualifying Condition: A qualified physician must diagnose you with one of the specific medical conditions covered by the program.

Remember that meeting these criteria doesn’t automatically guarantee acceptance into the program. A thorough evaluation by a registered physician is necessary to determine your eligibility. 

Accessing Medical Cannabis in Texas

If you meet the eligibility requirements outlined above, you can begin the process of accessing medical marijuana by scheduling an appointment with a cannabis physician in Texas. This consultation, which can be done via telemedicine, allows the doctor to review your medical history and assess your current condition. They will then determine if medical marijuana is an appropriate treatment option for you. 

For this part, it’s important that you choose a provider licensed with the CURT in Texas, as only they can prescribe cannabis in the Lone Star State. Once the physician confirms your eligibility, they will create a personalized treatment plan and register you in the CURT system.  

Note that, unlike other states, Texas does not issue a physical medical marijuana card. Your registration in the Texas CURT program serves as your authorization to obtain medical cannabis from a licensed dispensary. This registration also provides legal protection, confirming that your possession of cannabis is lawful within the state. 

Things to Keep in Mind 

Before moving forward with the TCUP, familiarize yourself with these essential points:

How Long Does My Medical Marijuana Authorization Last? 

Your approval to access medical cannabis through the program isn't indefinite. It's important to know how long a “medical marijuana card” lasts in Texas and understand the renewal process. You'll need to schedule follow-up appointments with your medical marijuana doctor, typically every 12 months. These follow-up appointments are a crucial part of your treatment journey. They allow your physician to:

  • Monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.

  • Address any questions or concerns you may have.

  • Provide refill orders for your prescription, ensuring continued access to medical cannabis.

To make the process more convenient, you’ll have access to a patient portal, which allows for easy communication with your provider. It also streamlines the process of requesting refills or addressing needs that arise between appointments.  

Can I Use My Out-of-State Medical Marijuana Card in Texas? 

If you’re visiting Texas or planning to relocate here, you might be wondering if your out-of-state medical marijuana card is valid. Unfortunately, Texas does not currently recognize medical cannabis authorizations from other states. 

Program Restrictions

While the TCUP provides a valuable pathway to medical cannabis, it’s important to understand its limitations: 

  • THC Limits: The program allows the possession of cannabis products with a THC concentration of less than 0.3% THC, as determined by dry weight.

  • Product Forms: Currently, medical cannabis in Texas is available primarily in the form of oils, tinctures, edibles, lozenges, and topical preparations. 

You must be aware of these restrictions as you evaluate whether the program aligns with your needs and expectations. 

Key Takeaways

The Texas Compassionate Use Program offers an avenue for Texans seeking relief from qualifying medical conditions. While it has its limitations, it provides a legal and regulated way to access medical cannabis with a doctor's guidance. 

If you're exploring alternative treatment options and believe you may qualify, we encourage you to reach out. Our team is here to answer your questions and guide you through the process. Get in touch to learn more and take the first step towards a potential path to relief. Call us at 844-832-4367 today!


Texas Medical Marijuana Doctors

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©2024 by Texas Medical Marijuana Doctors.

TXMMD is not licensed by the Texas Department of Public Safety as a Dispensing Organization (as defined under Sec. 487.001 of the Texas Health & Safety Code) to perform the regulated functions of cultivating, processing, or dispensing low-THC cannabis under the Texas Compassionate Use Act. TXMMD provides appointments with physicians registered in the Texas Compassionate Use Registry so patients can be evaluated to determine if they qualify for low-THC cannabis (also referred to as “medical marijuana”) under the Texas Compassionate Use Program, and if so, the prescription will be entered by the physician in the Texas Compassionate Use Registry. Patients must contact a licensed dispensing organization to receive a prescription of low-THC cannabis as authorized under the Texas Compassionate Use Program. None of the products sold by TXMMD are “low-THC cannabis” products under the Texas Compassionate Use Program, but rather are consumable hemp products authorized under the Texas hemp laws. TXMMD is licensed by the Texas Department of State Health Services to manufacture consumable hemp products (License #705) and is registered to sell consumable hemp products (License #4267).

Any health claim statements relating to products sold by TXMMD have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products sold by TXMMD are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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