Alonzo Gonzales
Service Location (s):: Ft Riley, KS
Length in Service:: 8 yrs
Branch(es) of Service:: Army
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I joined the army at 19 in 2003 moved to many different duty stations during my time deployed to Iraq in 2006 to 2007, when I left the military, I thought for sure adapting to normal life would be simple but I was completely wrong. I feel out of place and sometimes even lost when there is no direction. While trying to deal with everyday life I still fight the struggles of PTSD and nightmares of the war, it’s not everyday you have to wake up to explosions and hoping it doesn’t land on you the next day, that was the norm in Iraq, I just want to make sure I don’t lose myself out here and by doing that I keep to myself and my family only. I have 4 dogs I love to take care of with my wife and we try everyday to make the best of everything.